TEEC2025 and ICTL2025 seek a diverse and comprehensive program covering all areas of education, technology and environment. The program includes a wide range of activities designed to facilitate the exchange of expertise, experience, and resources with colleagues. These include keynote sessions, full paper presentations, panels, workshops, round table discussion sessions and social networking.
- Instructional Materials and Design
- Active Learning and Blended Instructions
- The Classroom and New Learning
- Distance Education
- Technologies, Strategies and Methods
- Software, Games and Simulations
- Vocational/Technical Education
- Educational Projects and Innovations
- Experiences in Learning
- Virtual Technologies
- Learning Objects and Technology
- Asynchronous Learning
- Content Management Systems
- Innovative Teaching Strategies
- Learning Management Systems
- Online Assessment
- Online Collaboration
- Online Forum Discussion
- Smart-Board Teaching
- Table of Specifications
- Virtual Classrooms
- Digital Libraries
- E-Learning Strategies
- Curriculum Design
- Antennas & Propagation
- Artificial Intelligence / Expert Systems
- Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing
- Environmental Technology
- Broadband & Intelligent Networks
- Business Information Systems
- Nomadic and Non Formal Education
- Education Policy Implementation
- Advanced Technologies for TL
- Cloud computing
- Collaborative technologies
- E-publishing/digital libraries
- Learning management systems
- Learning portfolios
- Mobile teaching and learning technologies
- Shared online video
- Social networks
- Videoconferencing
- Web 2.0 (podcasting, wikis, blogs, etc.)
- Alternative & innovative assessment
- Assessment in cross-cultural research
- Best practices in assessment/evaluation
- Performance and outcome assessment
- Contextualized innovation
- Scalability, usability,& sustainability
- Education reform with technology
- Government initiatives and programs
- Technology Policy issues and trends
- Quality assurance and accreditation
- Teacher education & technology integration
- E-learning benchmarks and standards
- Evaluating for quality improvement
- Networks, Partnerships, and Exchanges
- Competencies and perspectives
- Courses, programs, degrees, and initiatives
- Learning barriers, challenges, and concerns
- Learning communities/Environments
- Learning partnerships and innovations
- Innovative Approaches to Learning
- Contextualized & real-world learning
- Case, Scenario & Project -based learning
- Collaborative learning
- ICT Systems and Networks
- Complex Systems: Modeling
- Computational Intelligence Applications
- Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition
- Data Base Management
- Data Generation and Data Fusion
- Data Warehousing, Ontology &Databases
- Communities of practice
- Electronic Performance Support Systems
- Game-based learning
- Learner-centered, and self-directed learning
- Learning communities
- Learning management and support systems
- Lifelong, informal & nontraditional learning
- On-demand and just-in-time learning
- Participatory learning and media
- Personalized learning environment
- Virtual reality learning environments
- Free and open source software
- Learning portals
- Localization of content and knowledge
- Online language learning
- Open access publishing
- Open courses, learning, and open resources
- Publishing, copyright and other legal issues
- Open projects, partnerships, and consortia
- Open teaching
- Participatory/contributory communities
- Socially Responsive Learning
- Digital divide issues, initiatives, and cases
- Digital and social media for engaging youth
- Ethical, cultural, historical aspects
- social issues in technology use
- Education online films,
- Documentaries, news, & other media
- Learning technologies for change
- Rural community learning and technology
- Technology solutions for the marginalized
- Technology uses in multicultural contexts
- Flexible learning/Training
- Innovative online learning & programming
- Mobile and ubiquitous learning
- Online learning environments
- Mobile Communication Services
- Agents and Multi-Agents systems for ICT
- Distributed Sensor Networks
- E-Commerce & E-Business
- Mining Technology
- E-Government & E-Working
- E-Health & Biomedical Applications
- E-Learning & E-Collaborations
- Emerging Technologies & Applications
- Ethical &Legal issues in Environment
- Evolutionary & Genetic Algorithms
- Fuzzy Logic & Systems
- Fuzzy, ANN & Expert Approaches
- Human-Computer Interaction
- ICT & Banking
- ICT & Education
- ICT & Intelligent Transportation
- ICT in Environmental Sciences
- Image & Multimedia Applications
- Image Analysis and Processing
- Information & Data Security
- Information Indexing & Retrieval
- Information Management Systems
- Information Processing
- Information systems & Applications
- Intelligent Computing Systems
- Internet Applications & Performances
- Knowledge Based Systems
- Time Management
- Knowledge Development
- Decision Making
- Machine Learning Technologies
- Machine Vision & Remote sensing
- Management Information Systems
- Geographical Information Systems
- Mobile Networks & Services
- Mobile/Wireless Computing
- Natural Language Processing
- Network Management and Services
- Networking Theory & Technologies
- Neural Networks Applications
- Next Generation Network
- Optical Communications
- Music Education
- Fine and Applied Arts
- Home Economics/Management
- Health Education and Safety
- Population Education
- Teaching and Learning for Citizenship
- Military Education
- Architecture Education
- Science Teaching and Learning
- Cross-Cultural Studies in TL
- Educational Projects and Innovations
- Knowledge Management
- Higher Education
- The Private Sector and Education
- Education Networks/Cooperation
- Experiences/Experiments in Learning
- Secondary Education and Pre-University
- Remedial Programmes and Extra-Murals
- Parallel and Distributed Computing
- Protocols and Standards
- QoS Management
- Real-Time and Embedded Systems
- Robotic Technologies
- Satellite & Space Communications
- Security and Cryptography
- Semantic Web Applications
- Signal & Image Processing
- Systems & Software Engineering
- Virtual workforces
- Web Engineering
- Wireless Communications
- Emerging Technologies in Education
- Engineering Education and Sustainability
- Innovation and Good Practice
- Learning and Teaching Methodology
- Media Production
- Computer Software in Engineering
- Mathematical and Statistical Applications
- e-Learning Tools and Developments
- Computer Science in engineering
- Web-based Learning
- Elect/Electronics Engineering Education
- E-Learning & Classroom Learning
- Mechanical Engineering Education
- Technologies of Virtual Education
- Chemical Engineering Education
- Environmental Dynamics
- Computer and Web-based Software
- Ethical Issues in Engineering Education
- Virtual Environments for Education
- University-Industry Collaboration
- Digital Classrooms
- Innovation in Engineering Education
- Multimedia in Engineering Education
- Current and Future Trends and Directions
- Historical Foundations and Heritages
- Philosophical Issues of Education
- Sociological Perspectives
- Political Dimensions
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Innovation and Change
- Environmental Education
- Literacy Campaigns
- Internet Technologies
- Human-Computer Interaction
- Human Resources and Capital
- Libraries and Information Studies
- E-Learning, M-Learning and U-Learning
- Parenting/Homeschooling and TL
- Administration and Organization of Education
- Virtual Technologies, Objects and Classrooms
- Links and Experience Between Institutions,
- Industries and Local Community
- Teaching Status and Motivation
- Universal Basic Education
- Legal and Institutional Issues
- Education Practice: Issues and Experiences
- Economics/Management of Education
- Indigenous Education
- Internationalization and Globalization
- Adult Education/Life-Long Learning
- Instructional Materials and Design
- Active Learning and Blended Instructions
- The Classroom and New Learning
- Distance Education and Open Education
- E-Instruction, Virtual Education and Learning
- Technologies, Strategies and Methods
- Modeling, and Learning
- Organizational Learning
- Research and Development
- Online Systems and Forums
- Teacher Education
- Gender, Feminism and the Girl-Child
- Religious and Cultural Construction
- The School Principalship
- Teaching and Learning Projects
- Language, Mother Tongue and TL
- Quality, Testing and Assessment
- The Learning Society
- E-Society and Modernity
- Mathematics Education
- Studentship and Graduations
- Employment and Labour Dynamics
- Diversity, Barriers and Rights Issues
- Technology, Software and Games
- Pre-primary and Primary Education
- Intellectual Property and Copyrights
- Colonialism and Education
- Quality Assurance, Accreditation, Certification
- Vocational/Technical Education
- Physical Education and Sports
- Social Studies and Nationalism
- Business Education & Entrepreneurship
- Agricultural Education
- Contemporary Issues and Concerns
- Comparative Analysis and Experiences
- Learning Objects and Applications
- Prospects and Challenges of Education
- The Learner: Past, Present and Future
- Special Education/ Learning Disabilities
- Authoring and Publishing Technology
- Pedagogical Issues and Experiences
- Rural Education
- Academic Advising and Counselling
- Kinesiology and Leisure Science
- Reading and Writing
- Geographical Education
- Engineering and Medical Education
- Legal Education and Human Rights
The Program Officer
African Institute of Management, Technology and Development Studies
KK493 St. 62
P.O. Box 1574, Kigali-Rwanda.

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