Higher Education has played a prominent role in development across the globe. Higher education is one of the most important dynamics for the well-being of any society. A critical examination of higher education and development will provide benefits for practitioners, researchers, policy makers, academicians, stakeholders, professionals, and students. To this end and in recognition of outstanding roles and contributions of higher education, Dominican University, Ibadan-Nigeria and the African Institute of Management, Technology and Development Studies in cooperation with Universidad Central de Nicaragua, African Association for Teaching and Learning and other supporting partners is pleased to call for chapters for consideration and publication in the forthcoming handbook of research with ISBN entitled “Perspectives on Higher Education and Development”, an online and print publication to critically examine the enormous impact and contributions of higher education in Africa and the global community at large.
TEEC2025 and ICTL2025 seek a diverse and comprehensive program covering all areas of education, technology and environment. The program includes a wide range of activities designed to facilitate the exchange of expertise, experience, and resources with colleagues. These include keynote sessions, full paper presentations, panels, workshops, round table discussion sessions and social networking.
- Historial Perspectives on Higher Education
- Philosophical Foundation of Higher Education
- Cultural Construction of Higher Education
- Politics, Governance and Higher Education
- Church/Religious Groups and Higher Education
- Gender, Women and Higher Education
- Globalization, Internationalization
- Privatization, Commercialization of Higher Education
- Economics of Higher Education
- Finance, Funding and Budgeting
- Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Control
- Technology and Higher Education
- Teacher Education and Higher Education
- Demand versus Quality of Higher Education
- Library Services, Publishing and Higher Education
- Employment, Unemployment and Higher Education
- Appointments and Promotions in Higher Education
- Curriculum Planning, Implementation and Development
- Research and Discoveries
- Online, Distance Learning and Higher Education
- Institutional Leadership and Policy
- Personnel Management in Higher Education
- Students and Higher Education
- Trade Unionism and Labour Relations
- Guidance and Counselling
- Private Universities versus Public Universities
- Host Communities and Higher Education
- Insecurity and Higher Education
- Innovation and Change Management
- Law and legal Aspects of Higher Education
- Entreprenuership and Higher Education
- Conflict Management in Higher Education
- Organizational Culture and Ethics
- Decison-Making and Policy Formulation
- Industries and Higher Education
- Corruption in Higher Education
- Brain Drain and Higher Education
- Marketing, Promotion and Image-Making
- Autonomy and Academic Freedom
- Sports, Recreation and Physical Fitness
- Linkages, Advancement and Partnership
- Motivation, Staff and Renumeration
- Accreditation, Certification and Regulations
- Institutional Management and Productivity
- Drug Abuse,Cultism and Restiveness
- Intellectual Property, Patent and Copyrights
- Instructional Leadership and Effectiveness
- Classroom Management in Higher Education
- State Charter and Higher Education Reforms
- Postgraduate Studies and Research
- Teaching Practice, Internship and Industial Attachment
- Spatial and Regional Dimension in Higher Education
- Social & Corporate Responsibility
- Covid-19 Pandemic and Higher Education
- Challenges & Future of Higher Education
This book is devoted to disseminating results of original research with thematic focus on higher education. The aim of the book is to promote the exchange of scientific ideas and to bring together researchers, scientists, technologist, scientists, engineers, academics and policy-makers. This is broadly defined to include work which makes a significant contribution to the understanding and analysis of varied issues in the context of higher education and development.
Editorial and Review Committee
- Prof Shireeh Pal Singh, Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya University
- Prof Sola Fajana, National University of Lesotho
- Prof Melody Modebelu, African Institute of Management, Technology & Development Studies
- Prof Gerhard Berhtold, Universidad Central de Nicaragua
- Prof Jacinta A. Opara, Dominican University, Ibadan-Nigeria
- Prof Shobana Nelasco, Madurai Kamaraj University
- Prof Cletus Chukwu, Moi University, Eldoret-Kenya
- Prof Oby Okonkwo, Nnamdi Azikwe University of Nigeria
Review Process
Articles for publication will be peer reviewed by a minimum of 2 reviewers to ensure standard and originality. The Board’s decision on publishing a paper will be guided strictly by the reviewer’s comments. The Board’s decision is final.
Upon acceptance of a paper, the author(s) have automatically transferred copyright of the paper to the Publishers. The transfer will ensure widest possible dissemination of information.
General Instructions
Authors are to submit manuscript that contains results from original researches that are not being considered for publication elsewhere or previously published. Manuscripts submitted for publication are peer reviewed to ensure high standard.
Manuscripts should be clear and concise typed double spaced in MS Word format throughout with 1″ wide margin on both sides. Manuscripts should be written in English language and should not exceed 12 pages.
S.I. units and metric systems of measurement are acceptable. Latin words should be in italics.
Text: The text of the manuscript should appear in the following order. Title, authors name(s) and address(es), abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, tables, figures, and plates, discussions, conclusion, recommendation(s), acknowledgment, references, (authors should please comply strictly to this format).
Title page: The title of the paper should be concise, informative and reflect the content and the main theme of the paper. The full names and addresses of authors (including names of institutions, country, email address and telephone numbers) should be stated. In the case of joint authorship or multiple authorship, the name and mailing address of the author to whom further correspondence would be referred should be indicated, otherwise, the name of the first author on the list is assumed to be the correspondence author, not corresponding author. Authors’ names should start with surnames then initials of other names.
Introduction: This should contain mainly essential background information and important relevant references. The objectives of the work and its relevance or contribution must be clearly stated. The literature cited must be discussed to show the relationships between the published and the research study.
Materials and Methods: New methods and modifications of established ones should be described in detail. For the established and published methods, references must be made to the relevant publications.
Generally acceptable, scientific terms should be used. Discuss the factors, problems encountered and the solutions as they apply to your study. Due attention should be given to experimental design and statistical analysis of data where applicable.
Results: Table and figures should be kept to minimum. Type each table on a separate sheet of paper. Each table must be numbered in Arabic numerals and should contain brief title on top. Figures and plates should be of scanned reproducible quality.
Discussion: This section may be combined with results. Avoid repetition of methodology and results in your discussion. Discussion should indicate clearly the significance and implications of the results obtained. Relate your work to published studies.
Note: Results and discussion could be presented together. In such case, each result should be presented immediately by discussion specific to the result and this should continue until all the results have been presented and discussed
Conclusion: Conclusion should be drawn from the aim(s) and objectives of the work. It should not carry too much detail of the results.
Recommendations: Should be optional and must be drawn from the study.
Author’s contributions: Contribution by each author must be stated clearly. Contributors must have actively participated in the conduct or supervision of the research. Proof reading or writing the manuscript does not confer one an authorship of a manuscript.
Conflict of interest: There should not be any conflict of interest among the authors in whatever form.
Acknowledgement: Optional and should acknowledge support and assistance rendered by individual(s) or organizations.
References: The reference style should be the latest edition of APA format.
Proofs: Galley-proofs will be sent to the author of correspondence. They should be returned within 72 hours of receipt after correction. Corresponding Author will receive a copy of the book free of charge.
Privacy Statement: The names and email addresses entered in the publication site will be used exclusively for stated purposes and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
Submission Procedure: The Publication Committee is interested to receive submissions related to a broad spectrum of higher education and development. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit not more than two manuscripts in MS Words on or before December 31, 2024. All submissions must include an abstract of not more than 250 words clearly explaining the thesis and concerns of the proposed chapter/paper. Only Full length chapters with abstracts are accepted as submission on rolling basis. The Publication Committee will coordinate the review of all submitted chapters on a double-blind review basis. Contributors/authors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this book project. Please note that contributors are free to modify topic to suit your goal(s). All enquiries and submissions must be made electronically by email to the Publication Committee,; and copy:
Miscellaneous: The contents of the book do not necessarily reflect the opinions or position of the Editorial Board, Dominican University, Ibadan-Nigeria, African Institute of Management, Technology and Development Studies or their Governing Councils. Neither the partner institutions nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use which may be made of the information in the publication. The views published in the book are entirely those of the authors. The materials printed in our book are copyright and should not be reproduced without the written permission. Any dispute that may arise relating to the book shall be peacefully settled by the parties before an agreed Mediator. If mediation fails, then it shall go before an agreed Arbitrator using English Language and the applicable Laws.
The Program Officer
African Institute of Management, Technology and Development Studies
KK493 St. 62
P.O. Box 1574, Kigali-Rwanda.