1. The paper should be A4 format. Left, right, top and bottom margins should be 2.00 cm each.
  2. Title should be 14-point, all in capital letters, bold and centered.
  3. Font size throughout the paper should be 12-point in Garamond, in single space, and justified.
  4. The whole text should be written in English with “Garamond”.
  5. Do not give page numbers for the paper
  6. A blank line should be left after the title. Authors, affiliations and e-mails should be provided after title.
  7. Following the authors’ information, a 200-word abstract should be provided with five keywords. The “Abstract” should be a summary of the paper.
  8. Graphics and pictures should be prepared in black and white.
  9. One blank line should be allowed between the components of the paper (i.e. introduction, methods and procedures, results, conclusion, references.). Main headings should be centered, bold and capitalized. The second level of headings should be title case and bold. The third level should be italicized and upper- and lower-case heading.
  10. For titles of tables, graphics and pictures, sentence case should be used.
  11. Texts used in Tables, graphics and pictures should be Garamond. The font size can be reduced to 10 pt.
  12. References should be at the end of the paper and should be listed alphabetically. References and citations within the text should be prepared in the APA format.
  13. Abbreviations of standard use should be given in full format at the first place they are used.
  14. The paper should be maximum 10 pages
  15. SI unit should be employed where applicable
  16. Only proposals containing abstract and full texts are acceptable. We do not welcome only abstracts.
  17. All submissions must be by email attachment preferably in MS words. We do not accept hard copies
  18. All papers must adhere to this template in format. No paper can be processed if not formatted according to the stated rules and regulations.
  19. Papers submitted after December 31, 2024 may be presented at the conference but they may not be published in the conference book
  20. The first 50 registered participants will collect free copies of our previous publications.
  21. All papers for ICTL2025 and TEEC2025   should be submitted to

The Program Officer

African Institute of Management, Technology and Development Studies
KK493 St. 62
P.O. Box 1574, Kigali-Rwanda.


Contact Info

+250781506538, +250790008259, +250790008260,

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